As a DM I find myself spending far too much time tinkering with rules and reading or writing about adventures that have no players. This is of limited use. Adventures written in a vacuum have to assume a very bland, typical, balanced party and table - they must satisfy the lowest common denominator.
Instead, harvest these raw materials and use them to prepare a small sandbox area of your game world as it exists before the players get involved. Stop there and go no further until you find some players and have them make characters. That is the target audience for your work. Tailor it to them.
If you have one or more ongoing games, check yourself. How much of this dabbling will actually see play? Are you fantasizing about a hypothetical table instead of delighting your real one?
Think about the players and characters you do have. Siphon your RPG daydreaming away from these black holes and pour it into fancies too tempting to resist. You know your players and their characters. What possibilities could the next session hold?
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