Monday, December 26, 2022

Adventurers of the Uknown

If you like minimal old school rules and haven't run across Searchers of the Unknown - you're welcome. This is a collection of rules and hacks based on the idea that a PC doesn't need to be any more mechanically complex than an old school monster stat black.

Here is my personal edit of the original, plus supplements for spell casters and demi-humans that I've named Adventurers of the Unknown. Teaser: 


If a Goblin stat block is

AC13 MV12 HD1-1 4hp #AT1 1d6

Why make PCs more complex? Character comes from role play, deeds, and loot acquired, not character building.

Clerics heal in temples. Wizards study magic in towers. Only Adventurers fight monsters and loot treasure from dungeons.

On Doors

One of the weirdest things about old school Dungeons and Dragons is how doors work.  From Book III: The Underworld & Wilderness Adventur...